It's that time of year again...Spring!
For a lot of us that means it's time for a good, thorough spring cleaning session - but don't just toss out those things you don't need or use anymore! There are a few ways you can get cash for these items easily. Here's how:
Consignment Shops:
My rule of thumb is if I haven't worn something during any of the four seasons of the year then I don't need it! Go thru your closet and see what all you could stand to get rid of that may just be taking up space. Places like Plato's Closet will gladly pay you cash for your gently used young men and women's clothing items, shoes, accessories, jewelry, and even items like DVDs. An associate will inspect your items, determine if they are sell-able, and make you an offer - which you may accept or decline - you might be surprised at how much you can get for some items but use your discretion as some items may be of more value to you then what they may offer and you may decide to keep it or sell it on your own - which I'll get into in a moment.
As a parent, another shop I just love is Once Upon a Child - they share the same concept as Plato's Closet except they are specifically for children, hence the name, which we know grow like weeds and outgrow or tire of old toys. Once Upon A Child will pay you for your gentle used children's items, including: clothing, shoes, toys, strollers, cribs, books, infant care items, etc.
Also, I like shops like Movie Stop where you can sell your used DVDs for trade-in credit where you can find other used DVDs that interest you for a fraction of the cost of buying them new.
For more information, visit their websites:
Plato's Closet -
Once Upon A Child -
Movie Stop -
Craigslist is another great way to get cash for big ticket items that you want to get rid of - I have sold many items on Craigslist, including a washer and dryer, furniture, bassinets, strollers, toys, electronics, and games. It is free and easy to create posts and I have had nothing but good experiences. Some people are leery of sites like this but with all things in life, just use good judgement and common sense and you shouldn't have a problem - rule of thumb - always include in your post that you accept cash only - that way you can steer clear of being the recipient of any fraudulent checks - again, use common sense and be sure to include pictures of your item(s) for a better response.
Help Others In Need:
Please also remember to donate your unsold items to places like Goodwill or the Vietnam Veterans of America who pick up bagged donations right from your doorstep - lookout for mailers which will list the date they will pick up in your neighborhood and includes a convenient bag to fill. It couldn't be any simpler to donate instead of just throwing things away. Also keep an eye out for the donation drop boxes at a lot of places like Walmart and Food Lion - typically found at the back of their parking lots. Remember, any good deed, goes a long way :)
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