Friday, March 6, 2015

3.6.15 - Are you using Walmart Savings Catcher yet!?

Ok, let me start off by saying that since becoming a “frugalist” I haven’t much shopped at Walmart for the past few years and not just because of the crowds but mostly because they never had any type of rewards program, store coupons, or discount program that allowed them to compete (in my book) against other retailers who do…that was until they developed the Walmart Savings Catcher program which they rolled out last summer nationwide. This program really is an ingenious creation that puts them back on the map so to speak. With the Savings Catcher program, Walmart does all the work of ad-matching for you, something that I have never much had the patience for to begin with, and when they find a lower advertised price at any of the local competitors in your area, they give you the difference on a Walmart eCard! Which is really awesome and really couldn’t be any easier to use: Just shop Walmart as you normally would with any coupons you might have, then simply scan/enter your receipt via the Walmart App or online here and that’s it! Walmart does all the work to compare ad prices of the surrounding competitors and once complete, they will notify you that any difference has been added to your account. You can transfer your balance to your eCard immediately or let the funds accumulate and transfer whenever you are ready.

I personally have submitted 9 receipts and have received a total of $42.03 back.

Sure you are spending the money up front initially but you are saving time and energy by not having to browse all the store ads in the Sunday paper and fiddle with ad-matching yourself and you are getting the best prices without having to “stop at Kroger for these items and then Food Lion for those items and Martin’s for another couple of items”….and if you’’re a regular Walmart shopper anyways then it’s a total win-win!


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